Friday, November 25, 2011

What Am I Thankful For?

I'm thankful I'm alive, and that Anne and Alice are alive, and that somehow the world manages to keep turning on its axis even with all of the horror and atrocities that take place inside it.

This week has been a death week,  maybe the second worst week of my life, and yet I look outside and I see people raking leaves and father's coming home and kissing their children, and people sitting down to eat and feeling thankful for what they have.

The world is sad and beautiful, and every time I acknowledge that fact it makes me want to cry.

We had an interesting thanksgiving dinner tonight, and for some reason I want to laugh and feel happy. How can I? How can I, without feeling like a monster for being happy?

These problems never used to confuse me.

In any case, if anyone out there is reading this, look out your window, and look at life, and smile at a regular person. Please. It hurts. It's wonderful to watch life. Life is gorgeous and amazing and horrible and tragic, but to live life is a gift. Be thankful for that gift, before it is taken away, and be thankful for the knowledge that life will continue to exist, even if you don't.

We should leave Kansas soon. It's high time we started moving again.

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