Friday, September 9, 2011

It's Anne

Opal's sleeping right now. So is Aggy. I figured since you all knew so much about me, I may as well introduce myself.
Of course, that's not the only reason why I'm posting. A lot has happened in the past few hours, which I figured must be documented.
First of all, Opal's starting to lose it. I think she's trying to fix everything at once, but that isn't possible. She isn't going to go anywhere arguing with proxies, we aren't going to escape the Slender Man, and Aggy will not get back in the car.
But more of that in a minute.
Opal is still sick, and being awfully crabby about it. I can't really blame her, for this has been an awful experience in general, but I'm still not used to Opal throwing tiny tantrums and raising her voice (if only a little).
And then, there's Aggy.
She isn't well. She woke up a few hours ago. At first she was confused, asking where she was and what was going on. When she finally realized that Opal was with her, in a car, in Arizona, Aggy started screaming. She said that Opal and I should not have tried to find her. She started to attack Opal, while Opal begged for her to calm down. I was driving, so it was hard to see what was going precisely. But the next thing I knew, Aggy was yelling something incoherent, I heard a car door open, and Opal was screaming to stop the car.
Opal ran after Aggy (who hadn't gone far, given her weak state) and tried to convince her to get back in the car. That lasted about an hour, until Opal finally started listening to sense and got back inside. Aggy's still outside, I can see her from where I'm sitting.
Anyway, Opal tried to delete this blog, saying that it won't solve anything. But I convinced her not to. I think that this blog, and all of the other blogs similar to this one, is important. We all know little to nothing about what we're fighting, so it's important to obtain as much information as possible. The smallest detail in the world can make all the difference.
Opal crashed, and I stole her laptop, got my own account, and here I am.
I figured that I should be the March Hare because Aggy was Through the Looking Glass, and Opal is Jade Rabbit. It all seemed Alice in Wonderland-esque to me.
And I suppose you may hear from me later on. We'll see how things go.


  1. There's a Mad Hatter running around as well, so you know.
    Pleased to "meet" you Anne, I'm sure we'll get along splendidly.

  2. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Nemo.
