Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Sucks

Figured I should state the obvious. What with Opal gone, things have been weird.
First of all, the guy in the red mask stopped following me (yay!) I suppose it's because he's after Opal, not me. Still, it's been so quite it's becoming eerie.

Let's pretend everything's going to be fine for a second and look at the facts.

1. For whatever reason, Opal's gone off on her own. Based on her wording, it appears that she thinks she can solve all of his on her own.
2. She keeps referring herself as Ophelia, supposedly from Hamlet. Now, as we all know, Ophelia went crazy near the end, but this is causing bad thoughts, so let's stop there.
3. She's counting down. If you look in her tags, it says "Ophelia has ____ days to save the world." Yesterday, it was one day, so whatever it is will happen today.
4. I'm sure that it has come to your attention that Opal is no longer considered mentally stable. Now, according to my high school psychology class, mental illnesses can derive from three things: genes, environment, and experience. I'm assuming the majority of her case is from experience, but I suppose it could be some of all three. Of course I'm not an expert, and I don't know everything about her. She never really did talk about her childhood.
5. Opal must have seen some cop shows, because she's awfully hard to find. No registered car, no credit card, and she must have either turned off her phone or got a new one, because whenever I call her, it leads straight to voicemail. This way, the police can't track her calls, which makes it difficult to find her.
That's about everything my brain can process at the moment, which isn't really much. I know that I've had so much time to think about it, but it feels as though I've been busy. Perhaps it's because my mind is going completely numb. For the most part, all I can hear in my head is, "Just keep going, Anne. Keep moving forward." Rarely have I had an actual thought come across my brain.
I even forgot about this blog for a while. It didn't even cross my mind, probably because Opal usually posted. I wasn't too involved with it until recently.
And of course, there's the paranoia. Now, I have yet to spot an actual sighting of Mr. Slendy and Mr. Masky, but I keep thinking that I do. Every bump, every figure at night, or every shadow in the trees, it looks like him. I know it isn't, but I can't help but look just to be sure. I suppose that's how he tortures people
This can't be good. People who tend to think about him a lot start to be followed by him, and I already have to worry about Opal. I don't have time to worry about myself.
Anyway, I can't promise how often I'll update, but I will try.

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