Sunday, August 28, 2011

I Must Be The Most Annoying Horror Story Victim Ever

Me and Anne had to cut our search a little short today. I started feeling sick again around noon, so we went back to the car and I slept while Anne drove around looking for Operator Symbols. After a while she just parked and took a nap herself. She's been super tired too.

I can see her snoring away through the window of the restaurant I'm typing from right now.

I just posted a whole bucket load of comments on blogs I've barely had the time to read. I felt really dumb and awkward whilst doing it though. Some of them were so horrible I just clicked away so I wouldn't have nightmares tonight. And there were sometimes I just commented because I didn't know what else to do.

Look at that. Even on the internet I'm socially awkward.

Wonder how long I have before it all goes to hell.

The idea of something killing me doesn't scare me too much. I mean yeah it would suck, but it sounds a great deal more interesting than any other options life was dishing out at the moment. I came to terms with death a long time ago. No, no, I'm just worried about all the people who are going to drown because I dragged them down.

The idea of being a murderer doesn't bode well with me. If Anne gets hurt, it's my fault. If someone reads this and gets killed, it's my fault, if I get in the way and there are consequences, you can see where this is going.

I still can't believe I'm buying into all of this. I am a gullible idiot, but this is a new low. I guess I'm just going with it right now. Buying into it has given me more leads than anything else, so why not?

Though I still keep waiting for someone to yell cut, and I'll wake up on a sound stage in California with people congratulating me on how believable my performance was.

Well is other news I got a cute little page in the notebook that was definitely a bit more upbeat. Aggy wrote in a list of things I should do if I want to avoid Slendy and be safer. It included buying some cheery music, using a safety blanket, and calling him Mr. Kittykins or anything ridiculous like that, so you start to get comfortable with his existence and stop getting scared.

Oh Aggy and her black humor.

I'll post the rest of the list when my phone recharges, or when I'm actually not so lazy that I'll type the whole thing.

This blog must be such a disappointment in comparison to the rest. I need to stop using this as my personal diary. I have to two brand new followers! Better buck up and start acting like I'm not the hopeless idiot I am.

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